
It's All Sideways in a Bad Way

Things have perplexingly expanded and contracted 100 fold, and I now see where the true peril lies, and it is in the heart of the light... never before has such an exploration been so detrimental to my own well being...the ally, the Jack-A-Lope, and the fear of pure and abject failure all loom over the clouds, watching and waiting for one minuscule slip-up, and the end will rise up disguised as a 3 year old girl skipping rope on a sun-lit day... Oh, where does the hell, this personal and all consuming hell reside?... the lysergic residue on my spinal cord is effecting me in ways that were not foreseen or readily disclosed in a time shredded article in Life magazine... all I can do is keep on drinking and hope, pray, that this personal apocalypse passes me by...

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