

A Wee Bit Discordant

Well, it took some swearing and a sober moment, but I finally got my old brain around this new-fangled computer shit. Now music comes to the Blog!
This is a small mix of some brain-searing sounds that have been getting me through the days and nights. Nothing user friendly here. Hope you enjoy!


Pinky Royale said...

Is there some rule about commenting on your own post before anyone else? If so, sorry. Anyhoo, I was TRYING to use Muxtape, which seems a lot neater, but the bastard wouldn't upload a damned thing for me. If anyone has any pointers on that front, let me know, because I will use it... if it lets me.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, first comment on your own post? What an a-hole you've become, my dear Pinky.