

Dictionary.com's Word of the Day for Thursday, June 19, 2008 is my new favorite word.
I had to tell my scholar friend who has been an accomplice in all manner of drunken and sappy buffonery, and lo and behold he had heard of this word, which means that, GASP!, things did indeed exist prior to their appearance on the internet.
Anyhoo, he came across it in a class, and I will cut and paste his words (with his permission)so that his brilliance may shine. He told me that I should probably fact check it as his memory is all swiss-cheesy due to years of alcohol, but I refused to as even if this is not accurate, or even true, it is a great story.
"In 1618, the Thirty Years War was started by the Defenestration of Prague. The emperor sent some diplomats to work out a sticky situation in Prague, and they chucked 'em out the window. Thirty years later, they got sick of fighting over it. Fucked up planet."
Thank you, Lord Autumnbottom, the 76th Duke of Elderberry, for paying attention in class.
Thank for Prague for tearing shit up.
Thank you Dictionary.com for keeping me on top of my game.
And thank you, Dear Readers, for always being there.

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