
Not merely "WTF?" but a Full Blown "What the Fuck?!"

Man, I have seen some bloody, effed-up movies before but this one trumps them all. If Eli Roth and Sam Peckinpah had a love child, this would be it. And when it emerged all covered in afterbirth, blood, and shit it would turn to its two fathers (Eli Roth would be the one with the womb. Even he would agree.) and call them pussies and walk away from them with a look of disgust on its face, never looking back.
This movie had me tilted back in the desk chair, donning a look of mortification at every turn during the last 40 minutes or so. It was rude. More blood than a Minnesota slaughterhouse. Really. The thing goes from drama to thriller to splatter to a brief whiplash-inducing turn to "rage virus/zombie" film.
The French have been on top of the game these days, from the incredibly disturbing Sheitan, a film filled with more truly uncomfortable moments than I have ever seen before, and which gives Deliverance a run for its money.
Also, Them (aka Ils) was a great thriller, edge of the seat, alone in the country and things go white-knuckle and shitty-type film. And, sadly though predictably, I saw a preview for an American version with Liv Tyler that will probably be OK, but looks way to obvious as it appears to ditch the element of unknown that the original wallowed in. But hey, tormentors in masks are better than tormentors you can't see, right?
Anyhoo, go rent Inside. Just don't try to eat while watching it.
And all said, for all of the blood and wrongness, it doesn't come off as excessive or unnecessary. How they did that, I haven't the foggiest.


Anonymous said...

I've got a great idea. Since you appear to be inclined toward the morbid, why don't you fill up some paint buckets with blood. Then you can kill two birds with one stone.

Amanda said...

I checked out the synopsis for L'intériur, and it sounds fucking freaky. Though I'm sure it is of a much higher caliber, it brought to mind one of my favorite horrible horror flicks, The Unborn. I remember an ugly, evil, genetically-altered, post-abortion fetus crawling out of a dumpster to exact revenge on its mother by stabbing her in the eye with a scalpel or something. Highly recommended viewing for pre-pubescent girls; I saw it when I was 12, and it was excellent birth control.

Uncle Jesse said...

thanks for the movie recommendations! sheitan sounds good.