
Better Late than Never

So, I spent Christmas in Kenya with some friends and friends of friends. We made our way to the coast and had an amazing time that was packed with beaches and beers and sea food and laughter and the tragic death of a kite... a kite surfer's kite.

All was well and we were only aware at this point, in Malindi, that elections were taking place, looming, and there was a minor possibility that things could go quickly to shit.

But we weren't concerned with that. It was all sand and sun and pineapples and avocado sandwiches. The mess didn't break out until after Christmas, which led to the space betwixt Christmas and New Years being spent in a few different hotels in Kenya's old capital city, Mombasa, wondering if we were ever going to be able to get back to Nairobi, and from there, back to Uganda. All transport was shut down and the streets were dead. Lots of Scrabble was played, lots of news was watched, and lots of beer was downed as we watched everything go to shit.

But...BUT, Christmas day in Malindi was another beach day and driving on some bumpy little dirt track that went from the paved road to the beach we passed up this place, Scary McNasty's. Everyone agreed upon seeing it that if we did not stop there for a Christmas drink then it would be an unforgivable offense.

Turns out it is a hotel/bar that some Scottish guy opened up. How he came up with the name we will never know. T'was a nice little place though with an above-ground pool that I would never go in and the place had a gate that was tended by some guy in full Masai gear. The bar was panelled with squares of dead and abandoned flip-flops which there is no shortage of from what I have seen in the 5 African countries I have been in.

So here it is, Scary McNasty's. Thanks to that crazy Scot, and thanks to Sarah, Jenny, Craig, and Carly for making this a most memorable Christmas.

Love you all and I hope that all is well wherever you may be.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you too