
New Depths

It’s not late enough for me to be feeling self-indulgent, a mere 9:47 PM, but really, it may as well be 4 AM. I’m alone, of my own doing, of course, suffering from a figurative gunshot wound to the gut. As the old folks say, you make your bed, you lie in it. It makes sense, but it doesn’t seem fair when you think you’ve been making a nice, comfy bed and then realize, one day, that it’s really a fucking stale, brown couch. No, that's not accurate. It's an awesome bed, but you just don't seem to fit in the damned thing.
Life is funny like that, as we all know. One day you’re sailing along, thinking that you’re in complete control of yourself, your emotions, and then you wake up some random and unforgiving morning a totally different person. Whole new drive, longings, outlooks. It may be refreshing in some cases, for some people, but I can tell you that in this case, from this treacherous vantage point it sucks balls.
But to ignore it and shelve it away isn’t fair to anyone. Face it head on, deal with it, take your shots, mop up the blood, and hope that things eventually end up on some kind of even keel once again.

1 comment:

J. Herzog said...

This too shall pass.

Ah, fuck my attempt to be wise and sagelike. Sometimes things just suck ass bigtime.

This is one of those times.

Keep in touch.