
Caffiene, grindcore, and cornbread... a new holy trinity.

Fuck, I’m loving the Locust right now. Plague Soundscapes. It’s really working in conjunction with the coffee I just drank. My insides are aswirl with the chaos, all jittery appendages and compressed torso, my eyes can’t seem to focus on any one thing for too long and the music blasts into my soul, a much needed distraction from the fucking mess I’m wallowing in right now. Makes me want to thrash wildly about, pogo, break-dance, have a seizure, scream like a wounded banshee. I’d have to honestly say that if I had to name my top 5 favorite bands of all time, the Locust would be on the list. Right after Tom Waits, of course. The others I’d have to think on and shift about periodically, axe some, promote others, but the Locust would stay fucking strong. Dammit, I love it, like nothing else, the sound of joyful schizophrenia.

And on a totally unrelated note, I have a real problem with Trader Joe’s Cornbread mix batter. It’s even BETTER than raw cookie dough. Every time I make it I have to stop myself from just dumping a crazy straw into the bowl and sucking it up.
I’m fat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're not fat, you're an idiot.