
Sunny's Market, Alberta and Interstate

Nuff' said.


Unknown said...

I love how there is an image of a can of chew behind it, and how that can of chew has been stamped with the phrase "IT SATISFIES." But, in all seriosity, don't you think that people who drink on the streets are like, the cornerstone of Sunny's business? Don't bite the hand, man! (And if yew do, make sure yew don't have any chaw in yer mouth.)

Amanda said...

As you might have guessed, these comments are not from Mars (ha ha), they are from me. Sorry I am so technologically challenged.

Pinky Royale said...

It is funny that they would indeed bite the had that feeds them. Though how much you get fed by selling nothing but discount cigarettes and ninety-nine cent cans of malt liquor remains to be seen.
What I thought was funny about this sign was the specific nature of it. I wondered if they refused one service for being drunk, or verbally abusive, or naked, would that person then be able to take them to court as their sign said that they could only refuse service to those who drank on the street.
"Your honor, I got drunk at home!"
"Your honor, I was not drinking on the street, I was merely naked with a chicken carcass sheathing my cock. There is no sign saying that they can refuse service to the insane."
It seems that it would paint them into a fairly ridiulous corner.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.