
Home Depot in New Jersey

One of my lovely exes, Christi, sent this to me. It's amazing because in Oregon all of the paint cans are locked up TIGHT. Racking this shit would be a lot easier out east, which is strange as they have had graffiti problems a hell of a lot longer than we have had out this way.
How punkish is it to tag the effing floor in front of the paint cans... though if you're gonna call an area yours this is a good place to lay claim to.
Thanks, Christi. Hope all is well out in Brooklyn.
Missing ya!


Anonymous said...

I'm going to guess that the people who work at this home depot are 1. Gangsters 2. Really stoned C. "artists" themselves or 4. Worried about other things like chain saws being stolen more than some stupid Krylon being opened before it gets sold. I don't know how to spell Krylon.

Pinky Royale said...

1, 2, C, or 4? You're effing brilliant! I think that they don't care because they live in New Jersey which is widely regarded as thee dirty butthole of the planet. Darfur sighs in relief.