
The Locust!!!

OK, you can officially see anything, ANYTHING, on YouTube. And no offense to anyone who may be reading this but I personally consider them lazy posts, for ME. Other people do it and I love it (Jay, Jessie, take no offense!) but for what I am trying (aka NOT trying) to do here it just doesn't fit. That said I can offer small commercial breaks or sounds and sights to things I post about. Earlier (last year) I posted about the excellence of the Locust. So, as a follow up for those who don't want to buy them or steal them off the internet, here is a sample. Enjoy.
I will only post YouTube clips after every 3 real posts. That is my promise to myself.
I lie to myself all the damned time.


J. Herzog said...

I'll cop to it--I've become just a slightly more hip MTV VJ.

Part of the reason I post video is to break up the visual monotony of the page, but it can easily become a crutch for laziness (mea culpa!).

Your 3 post and a video rule is a good one. But there's so much time to be wasted, and writing (even blog posts) takes real work.

P.S. Amir just mailed me to tell me that Sonic Youth is playing Daydream Nation in its entirety in Berkeley in July. I'm probably going to meet up with him for that.

Uncle Jesse said...

i like the audience in that clip. pretty funny.
i don't know, i like to work with images more than words. mostly because my writing is such crap.

Anonymous said...

i'll see you there! LOCUST, yah!