

hours spent at work so far: seven hours, twenty-three minutes
seems like: five weeks of Christmas eves in a row, without the payoff of presents

time until I can leave: one hour, seven minutes remaining
seems like: a five week root canal, sans drugs, with the dentist asking a lot of questions that require more than a 'yes' or 'no' answer

I just ran 4 laps around the warehouse at top speed. Listened to 5 CDs and now can't decide if I need to listen to something quiet and slow or loud and pissed off. Johnny Cash isn't cutting it, I may try The Locust.
I am not loosing my mind…
I have lost it. It's nothing to be proud of, nothing to brag about to people who think you are a dolt for saying how crazy you perceive yourself to be. I'm not insane like "Ooo, I'll drink urine and go talk shit to a cop."
No, I'm insane like I've been locked in a fucking damp cellar for 15 years and have eaten nothing but wet dog food and whatever skittery things that have crawled across me in this deep, deep darkness.
Alone in this giant building on a Sunday… I've considered adopting a Sabbath of some sort if only to have an out when this weekend work comes up. The fun of blasting music and no supervision looses its charm quickly. I put 2000 sheets of paper in a copy machine that is getting increasingly difficult to work with and sit, and wait for it to eat and shit out its material. Then I stick it in a box, refill the machine, and all over again.
I've been doing this for 5 days now. Please Lord… no specific requests here. Just, "Please Lord…


J. Herzog said...

Pinky, it's a truism--if you think you're crazy, you aren't.

Are you allowed to read on your down time at work?

Uncle Jesse said...

where are you pinky? i miss your posts..

J. Herzog said...

Yeah Pinky, some of us rely on you to give us your unique take on the world at large. Come back to us, we miss you.

I hope you didn't OD on tainted eggnog....