
Fuck Mugabe.

I am no judge, jury, or executioner. I have no right to sit in judgement of anyone.
But I am a decent human being. That's right, I said something nice about myself. Don't get used to it.
Which is why I am totally shocked and appalled at the actions of one shit-for-brains asshat who goes by the name of Robert Mugabe.
I'm not getting political here, I'm just being human. And I feel kind of bad for saying this, but sometimes someone demonstrates time and time again that no matter what happens, they will never make sense, they will never see the err of their ways, and they will be evil until the day they die. It's like the song goes, "Some people should die. That's just unconscious knowledge."
The man rants and raves and blames the whole world, colonization, communism, democracy, whatever, for every ill that he himself has visited upon what he refers to as his people. With one hand he claims oppression and innocence, with the other he murders, rapes, and pillages to preserve his comfy little palace.
It's too bad he will never realize that he has no people, because to have people, one must be human.
Let's hope he disappears sometime soon.

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